WhatsApp screen sharing: WhatsApp, a popular messaging app, has added this new feature that would greatly simplify video calls. What exactly is this new feature? The update we’re talking about is screen sharing, WhatsApp new updates which allows you to share your screen during a video conversation. This feature will make video chatting with friends, planning and preparing for trips, and other tasks hassle-free. You can be assured by the fact that this is absolutely safe to use and the user has complete control over this screen-sharing feature.
Previously, this WhatsApp screen sharing feature was only available for beta users, but now it is available for all users.
Furthermore, let me guide you on how to access the screen sharing feature conveniently.
How WhatsApp screen sharing work ?
Firstly, you should update your WhatsApp to the latest version from the Play Store or App Store. Then, while on a video call, you can click on the ‘share’ option available at the bottom of the screen, after that, you can grant access to share your screen.
Earlier, only 8 persons could participate in a video call, now this number has been updated to 32 participants which is perfect for small meetings. Users should also be aware that this latest launch is being processed progressively, thus it will reach you gradually.
Also, Read – WhatsApp is Launching its New Live Audio Chat Feature Soon
We have seen that WhatsApp continues to bring new updates and features to improve the user experience. For instance, a chat lock feature was launched to promote the users’ privacy. In the WhatsApp chat lock feature, people’s personal chats and notifications can be automatically hidden.
Another useful update was the addition of a 15-minute window to edit your chats without deleting the entire message. You can easily go to the edit section and edit the wrong entered word.
This feature appears to be quite helpful, so let us keep a watch on this upcoming feature to take benefits. Keep an eye on our page for more recent tech updates, and for any queries, feel free to use the comment section.